Boating Safety Training for Young People, May 20, 2017, Bridgeton, NJ

Boating Safety Training for Young People, May 20, 2017, Bridgeton, NJ

Ages 8 – 12
Participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian

Saturday, May 20
10 am and 11 am
Sunset Lake Beach
Bridgeton, NJ

Training includes:
• Proper use and fit of PFD’s
• Self-rescue skills in case of capsize
• Safe practices for entering or exiting a canoe or kayak

Instructors are certified by the American Red Cross.

To register, download the flyer:!AhKBlPmOCXvCiX-EMe_59M-2-OzX

February 4, 2016 – Follow the Raindrop: Education and Outreach Projects in Urban and Rural Communities

February 4, 2016 – Follow the Raindrop: Education and Outreach Projects in Urban and Rural Communities

Date: Thursday, February 4, 2016
Time: 10am
Location: David Sheppard House, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
31 West Commerce Street, Bridgeton


Meredith Brown, Conservation Coordinator for the American Littoral Society, will provide an overview of  a new multiyear environmental education and stewardship program involving students from schools in Bridgeton and Upper Deerfield. Funded by a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the project will focus on the effects of stormwater runoff in the Cohansey watershed combining both educational and action-oriented implementation.


The program will be presented at a meeting of the Cohansey Area Watershed Association (CAWA) at 10 am, Thursday, February 4, at the David Sheppard House, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, 31 West Commerce St.

For further information email: